Freedom To Be You - What Does That Look Like?

Freedom - what is it?  While I feel some of our freedoms are being robbed at this strange time we live in there are basic rights we are all entitled to.  The Freedom to be who we want to be as unique individuals is one of those very basic tenets.  According to Pharrell Williams, it is whatever it means to be YOU. Exactly you, however, you are.  Whoever and however that may be.  We are entitled to choose to be who we want to be in this life?  How do we show up?  Who are we really?  How many of us actually take stock of our own selves.  Our greater selves and higher selves.  There is a lot to take into account.  Each one of us here for reasons beyond us in many circumstances depending on our soul's evolution.  How far along are we on our soul's path?  How many lifetimes in are?  What do we believe?  What is the purpose of life?  Why are we here?  Do we have a purpose here?  We should...

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Sacred And Spiritual Alchemy

Yes we can transform.  There is more cosmic  support now than ever.  It’s an incredible perspective for us to consider now with everything going in the planetary alignments. There is a dawn setting in.  It’s a culmination of the past.  It offers a new beginning. The heart is wise and all knowing. We have an opportunity to forgive now and release past hurts.  The sky has never been more abundant than it is now.  It is set up for us to evolve and awaken to our true calling, our true passions, our true love.  We are in an amazing space to move past things and situations that have kept us from our own highest selves.  We cannot continue living in the pain of the things that did not manifest exactly as we had hoped.  The irony in this belief and pain that we tend to live in is that actually things did manifest exactly as they were supposed to.  There is a divine order in all that happens.  It is always for our...

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Love Your Life

It is possible to live powerfully, fully and lovingly.  Life is truly what we make it.  And yes I know it is a struggle at times and very challenging on a regular basis, but it all begins with love. 

Learning love and honor yourself is the first step to living that fully charged and empowered life.  

It begins with sincere self inquiry.  An inward examination of ourselves.  Where we've been and where we're headed.  

It may not be easy, but I promise you, you will get there.  The challenges are what make it all worth it in the end.  The struggles are what give us greater understanding and appreciation for it all.  

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